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Cedar Springs teen helps league replace old, unsafe bleachers

Logan Redes has been working for months to raise $30,000 to preserve the baseball and softball complex where he learned to play.

CEDAR SPRINGS, Mich. — The smell of freshly-mowed grass fills the air near the corner of 17 Mile Road and Shaner Avenue NE as a one-man grounds crew does lawn work under the hot July sun. The sweat is worth it to keep the Cedar Springs Junior Ball League complex looking nice — especially now that they have brand new bleachers to be proud of.

We first told you back in April about the complex's old, wooden bleachers. At best, they were worn looking. But in many cases, they were also unsafe. A young man named Logan Redes set out to change that.

Logan is a Cedar Springs High School student and a Boy Scout. He grew up on these fields and he wanted to preserve them for the next generation of baseball and softball players to come through Cedar Springs. So he set out on a massive fundraising campaign as his Eagle Scout project.

"We had a lot [of money come] from cans, but majority of it were the smaller donations from friends, families and online. That's where majority of our money came from. We did have a few companies donate a lot of money towards my project," Logan said.

Logan had until August to raise $30,000 and he did such a good job beating that deadline that the bleachers are already up. Logan says they were put in a few weeks ago.

Now the league is preparing for fall ball and they have something to look forward to, thanks to great community support that started with Logan.

"I would just like to thank everyone who donated and supported my project, because that's where it started. It was from those people who helped and supported me along the way," Logan said.

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