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Boy, 8, throws bake sale after seeing person who's unhoused outside of grocery store in his town

James Carpenter, 8, met a man without a home outside their local grocery. He gave up his life savings—$14—to help the man. But James wasn't done.

IONIA COUNTY, Mich. — Cicadas sing, vegetables sprout, ice cream melts. But the true sign of summer is fair season.

At the heart of the Ionia County Fairgrounds during the Farm Power Show, an 8-year-old who just wants to make life fair.

Some of his favorite things to do? “Feed the homeless and play video games," James Carpenter said.

He must be out of video games.

“It bothers him that they don't have a roof over their head or food," said Katie Holcomb, his grandma. 

Her favorite thing may as well be James.

“They saw a homeless man outside of Dollar General. He's like, 'Mama, he's hungry. Can we go get him some food?'" she said. "They went home and made him a warm plate of food and brought it back, and he offered to give him his $14 that he had saved up so he could buy a house so he didn't have to sleep outside.”

For many his age, a good deed – once done, is done. But James, life savings now gone, is just beginning.

“He came up to me again and said 'I still want to help the homeless. Will you help me?' I said, you sit down and figure out what you want to do, and we'll make it work," said Katie.

The best way any 8-year-old could dream up? A tent full of sugar.

"He knows he gets to do taste testing," Katie laughed. 

But behind those treats, he's helping his community eat.

“I want to sell them so I can make them spaghetti dinner for the homeless," James smiled.

James, behind the counter of the tent, may have learned to be a salesman, but what he’s teaching is so much more valuable.

“One day he actually went to school, and one of the kids he went to school with didn't have a coat," said Katie. "He came home and mom asked him where his coat was, and he's like 'I gave him mine.'”

“We've always said 'you'd give someone the shirt off your back.' Well, he kind of literally did it," she laughed.

Fairs mark the beginning of the summer season. But this 8-year-old, with a heart of gold, marks it with a bake sale for a reason.

"I wanted to change the world,” James smiled. 

"If we can help feed that little fire and make it a bigger fire, maybe someday he can do that," said Katie.

James had a goal of making $500 at the Ionia County fair. He ended up with over $1,000. If you'd like to donate, you can CashApp $JamesJourney2024 or Venmo @JamesJourney.


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