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After losing his wife, he’s living for her and checking off his bucket list in his 90s

Losing someone you love puts life into perspective. For one man in a senior living home, it’s giving him a new mission – checking off his bucket list at 97.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Lou Nichols on his red mobility scooter, a man whose never been accused of doing life in the fast lane.

"It's amazing that the Lord has called me to life this long," said Lou.

At 97, a late-in-life call rang through his granddaughter, Ann Wiersum.

“I was having a conversation with my grandpa about what's on our bucket lists. And he was kind of like, 'what is a bucket list?' said Ann. "And I mentioned a hot air balloon ride.”

Not a bird, not a plane, but a balloon lifting 97-year-old Lou by flame.

“It was just really fun to watch his face and just see the joy and excitement and awe that he could do this," said Ann.

“I never thought I'd be doing something like that," Lou smiled. “That was a perfect day.”

But Lou is no stranger to that late-in-life call. He always picks up.

“I had finished a 10th grade at Grandville High School when I was drafted," said Lou. "And I thought, well, I know I'm going to be drafted. So what's a census roll in 11th grade and have to be drafted.”

Donning a cap and gown at 95 years old, Lou puts a new meaning to a high school senior.

“In 2022, the superintendent would be granting me an honorary graduation," said Lou. “It was really a memory."

You may be wondering why, at an age where many begin to slow down, Lou can’t help but live it up. It started on Alpine Avenue in Walker.

“It was rush hour. We were turning left into the Steak and Shake. And there was somebody that came kind of blazing through the turn lane. And they t-boned us," said Ann through tears.

“She took the brunt of it. I unfastened her seat belts to ease her a little bit, but that didn't help," said Lou. “She died the next day."

He lives because his wife, Loma, didn’t.

“I still love her today. I tell her good morning every morning," his voice cracked. “She's still on my heart. She will be.”

“We lost my grandma together, so it was really special to share something so magical and happy," Ann said.

Lou may never be one to live in the fast lane, but now life cannot come sooner for the 97-year-old late bloomer.

“I just really hope he continues to live life to the fullest because we never know when when our last day is going to be," said Ann.

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