MUSKEGON, Mich. — Now is the time to start battening down the hatches for winter. Brett Lascko shared some advice for your winter prep work:
- Reduce one of the most frequent water damage items this fall - Disconnect all your garden hoses from the house and make sure that your old type faucets are shut off inside the house. Newer faucets will automatically drain (when properly installed) as you remove the hose.
- Change your furnace filter - The arrow on the filter points to the furnace. Also change batteries in your thermostat, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, turn your humidifier on and adjust the lever to “winter."
- Run your furnace fan continuously - which will filter the air better, yes it will add a little to your electrical bill.
- Take care of your equipment - Make sure it’s clean around the unit so water can drain, and if you cover it only do the top portion so you don’t cause rust. If under an overhang where ice damage can occur cover, the top only with plywood and a weight. It might be ugly but it is good protection.
If you need help with your winter prep, contact the team at Lascko. Visit or call 231-674-1176.