There are many hair straightening tools out there, from flattening irons to rotating brushes. Simply Straight is a ceramic straightening brush that claims you can simply brush your hair straight.
Jamie VanderLaan saw the commercial for Simply Straight and wanted to know if it'd work for her fine, naturally curly hair.
Simply Straight has what they call 3D ceramic bristles and heats up to 450 degrees. They do suggest sectioning your hair for the best results, as opposed to just brushing it. They also suggest brushing with the bristles away from your scalp.
Jamie followed the directions and it worked! It gave Jamie smooth, shiny, beautifully straightened hair. She said it was faster than her rotating brush.
The only thing she didn't like about Simply Straight was it didn't curl the ends of her hair under the way she can with her rotating brush.
I can't tell you if Simply Straight would work on everyone's hair, but it did a surprisingly great job on Jamie's hair.
Jamie said she'd buy it.
For more information on Simply Straight, click/tap here.