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Free showing this weekend of documentary about film legend Buster Keaton

Clear Vision Films and the Lakeshore Museum Center are proud to present a free showing of the documentary on Sunday, June 9 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

MUSKEGON, Mich. — A new documentary, Buster Keaton: Home, is set to hit the big screen at the Frauenthal Center in downtown Muskegon, which highlights the history, successes and legacy of Buster Keaton, known for his one-of-a-kind stunts and physical comedy.

"I've been a Buster Keaton fan for well over 30 years,” co-director Ron Pesch said.

For Pesch, a decades-long superfan, it didn't feel like work while producing the new film. The project took several years after some delays due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. After finishing the film in May of 2023, they're ready to bring the documentary to West Michiganders where the start of Keaton’s success all started.

"It's hard to believe one of the greatest comedians ever, a guy that used to run with Charlie Chaplin, and Harold Lloyd, and back in the 1920s had his connections to Muskegon and West Michigan,” Pesch said.

The documentary was run by a team of seven and started in the Los Angeles area with several interviews with other prominent figures. Jim Schaub, producer and director for the popular 13 ON YOUR SIDE+ “Up From The Bottoms: The Search For The American Dream, has seen the project for the documentary from the very beginning and he's excited for others to see Keaton's work.

"We started working on the project six years ago. We got interviews then the COVID-19 hit slowed us down a little bit, but we made it, we raised the money. So it took us a little bit and then the editing took a couple of years," said Schaub.

Clear Vision Films and the Lakeshore Museum Center are proud to present a free showing of the documentary on Sunday, June 9 at 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. So far, the documentary has been shown at several festivals and won "Best Feature Film" at a festival in Toronto. Keaton's early life and how he found his first home along the shores of Lake Michigan, along with rare family photos are highlighted in the film.

"We call Buster a film legend and it's not just us, it's the rest of the world because he was a pioneer,” Schaub said.

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