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A long process ends for new citizens at ceremony recognizing them becoming American

The new citizens crossed the stage and stopped to take pictures with their certificates bearing their freedom as Americans.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — The Forest Hills Fine Arts Center held a naturalization ceremony where dozens of new U.S. citizens were given their official citizenship certificates.

As many people waited with their friends and families for the ceremony to begin, anticipation filled the room with a long-awaited journey coming to an end – becoming an American.

“I’m excited to be here today,” Jackline Warpenburg said.

Warpenburg is one of 192 new U.S. citizens who crossed the stage today proudly holding their certificate of citizenship, and of course, along with their U.S. flag representing their new freedom. Warpenburg moved to the United States from Tanzania, a country in East Africa.

I came to America for a better life and a good education, and then I fell in love with my husband,” Warpenburg said. Then I started a family and I said life is there anywhere, you can enjoy life anywhere in this world.” She said she her family will be celebrating her new citizenship all week.

“My kids they have to celebrate it at school because the teacher wants to know how it’s done, so they missed school so they can come and have this experience with me so they're here today and my in-laws, they're here so we are going to have celebration all week around.”

Before the official ceremony began, there were long lines of people waiting to receive their documents and flags. As their names were called their friends and family members cheered for them, celebrating their new journey.

A federal judge from the Western District of Michigan delivered his remarks to the new citizens and touched on the freedom they will have.

“Now as Americans, because you are Americans, you have tremendous freedoms,” said Hon. Ray Kent. You have the freedom to go where you want, the freedom to think what you want, the freedom to say what you want, to pray where you want, and to love who you want.”

The new citizens crossed the stage and stopped to take pictures with their certificates bearing their freedom as Americans. With many appointments, documents to sign and approval letters to wait for, it has been a journey many are just happy is finally over.

“I’m a little overwhelmed and a little bit anxious, but mostly I’ve been excited for a long time since I received my letter from the mailbox,” Warpenburg said.

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