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Mother charged with child abuse after failing to report alleged abuse by father

Police charged a Kalamazoo father with abusing his two-month-old baby and now, the boy's mother is being charged as well.

KALAMAZOO, Mich — The Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety charged a father with abusing his two-month-old baby and now, the boy's mother is being charged as well.

13 ON YOUR SIDE interviewed Norene Burkhead in May about her son Liam's fight for survival in the hospital.

She told us Liam suffered a fractured skull with brain bleeding, a broken arm and leg, and bruised and fractured ribs.

Liam's father, Paul Preston, was charged with five counts of First-Degree Child Abuse after admitting to detectives the violent acts started when Liam was just three weeks old.

The investigation began on May 23 when Burkhead took him to Bronson Hospital.

"[Paul] was walking to the bedroom and he said he tripped and fell with the baby," Liam's mom said. "At least, that's what he told me."

CPS became involved because child abuse was suspected.

According to court documents, the child abuse occurred at an apartment in the 700 block of Gardland Circle beginning around April 1. 

A doctor advised that Preston seemed to provide explanations that each injury was caused accidentally. Preston talked about an incident when Liam hit his face against him and his nose bled, and Preston had to wipe it. 

The doctor noted the injures were in different stages of healing, indicating the serious injuries were sustained at different times.

Once Preston was taken to KDPS Headquarters, he was read his Miranda Rights and was interviewed. 

He allegedly admitted to detectives that the other adults in the household did not cause any injuries and he punched or struck his child in the head four separate times.

He would sometimes grip his baby's head with both hands and squeeze, hold his sides and squeeze him, throw him on a bed, and into the air and catch him.

Burkhead is being charged with 2nd Degree Child Abuse for failing to report Liam was being abused, which is a Felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Preston is also facing an additional charge of Misdemeanor Domestic Violence against Burkhead for an alleged incident that occurred on May 25.

Burkhead told 13 ON YOUR SIDE last week that Liam was improving each day in the hospital. 

Burkhead was given a personal recognizance bond and her next court appearance is on June 27.

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