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State bill aims to crack down on criminals using car key programming technology to steal cars

The bill would make the use and possession of such a device for stealing cars a felony.

MICHIGAN, USA — There has been an explosion in car thefts across the state since the pandemic started, including in West Michigan. 

According to the Kent County Sheriff's Office, in 2020, the number of car thefts doubled from the previous two years, and in 2021, the trend continued. 

Total stolen vehicles within Kent County over four years:

  • 2021 - 323
  • 2020 - 294
  • 2019 - 139
  • 2018 - 132

Senate Bill 870, introduced by Senator Jim Runestad (R) of Western Oakland County, aims to crack down on criminals using car key programming technology to steal cars. 

The handheld computer devices are used by locksmiths and mechanics to change key locks on vehicles. The bill would make the use and possession of such a device for stealing cars a felony.    

"There are these big time operators that are buying, mainly from cartels, these ProPads for $30,000 and then renting them out for thousands of dollars a night to local gang members to go out and steal cars," Runestad said. 

The bill would make using or possessing this technology for stealing cars a felony up to ten years in prison and gives prosecutors more power. 

"[Prosecutors] are using obscure laws that don't apply and they need something that they know is going to hold up in court that's a violation of a statute as it's written into law," Runestad said.

The types of cars being stolen are muscle cars and SUVs that Runestad said are being used to outrun police and run police cruisers off the road in southeast Michigan.

A Michigan State Police auto theft unit detective in West Michigan said he hasn't seen the thefts in Kalamazoo where he's based, but heard they're happening in Grand Rapids.

"I would say that our first training and introduction to it was three to five years ago and we've seen it just growing and growing and growing from there," said Det. Lt. Russell Ammon with Southwest Commercial Auto Recovery.

"I would say the western part of Michigan would be the next likelihood, because you have southeastern Michigan and Chicago. What's in between those? Western Michigan. I would say it's absolutely coming your way if we don't get a handle on it," Runestad said. 

The bill has been referred to the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety for consideration.

To avoid becoming a victim, leave your vehicles in a well-lit area and try to keep them indoors if you can. Surveillance cameras may also deter the thieves.

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