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Woman gets jail for 'tragic and horrible' crash that killed community icon John Canepa

John Canepa was crossing Leonard near Quarry Avenue in January when Amy Brock hit him with her car.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - A motorist who admitted to striking Grand Rapids philanthropist John Canepa as he crossed a Northwest Side street on a foggy January afternoon was sentenced to jail Wednesday for what the judge called a "tragic and horrible'' accident.

"I sometimes talk to him and say 'John, do you forgive me?''' a tearful Amy Brock said prior to sentencing. "I take full responsibility for my actions.''

"I know you didn't do this intentionally,'' Grand Rapids District Court Judge Christina Elmore said. "As drivers, we are responsible for being able to see where we're going before we go there. If you couldn't see, then you shouldn't have been driving.''

Brock pleaded guilty last month to moving violation causing death, a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail. The judge sentenced Brock to 21 days in jail with credit for one day already served. Elmore also ordered Brock to perform 40 hours of community service and pay $1,725 in fines and court costs.

Brock was traveling on Leonard Street NW the afternoon of Jan. 22 when her Kia Soul struck Canepa as he crossed Leonard near Quarry Avenue NW. She said it was foggy at the time.

He was heading to a local distillery to attend a party for a city commissioner. Canepa died three days later.

The 87-year-old father of four, grandfather of 11 and great-grandfather of three was a devoted family man and community leader, his youngest daughter told the court.

"Dad was a phenomenal steward of the Grand Rapids community,'' Milissa "Missy'' Agnello said. "He played an instrumental role in the revitalization and development of downtown Grand Rapids. He leaves behind a long list of good deeds.''

Canepa spent his final hours "hooked up to machines'' and unable to speak, Agnello said.

"The fear, pain and confusion that I saw in his eyes will be etched in my soul for the rest of my life,'' Agnello told the court.

Brock, she said, should be held accountable for her actions.

"Not only did she not brake when she struck him, she continued to drive a quarter mile before turning around,'' Agnello said. "She's completely oblivious to consequences caused by her negligence behind the wheel of her car.''

Brock apologized to Canepa's family, saying she is "haunted'' by the crash.

"Since the accident, I wake up most nights thinking of him and praying he forgives me,'' the 48-year-old Kentwood woman said. "Wishing I would have seen through the fog, the lights, the blind spot. Wishing he would have seen me.''

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