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My Favorite Teacher: Kris Weller

My Favorite Teacher: Kris Weller, 2nd grade teacher at Kenowa Hills Central Elementary
My Favorite Teacher: Kris Weller, Kenowa Hills Central Elementary

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WZZM) -- Every month, we're spotlighting a teacher who goes out of their way to make a difference in the lives of their students.

This month's "My Favorite Teacher," is Kris Weller a 2nd grade teacher at Kenowa Hills Central Elementary.

Parent Danielle Storey nominated her with this heartfelt email. Here is a little excerpt:

Mrs. Weller is a wealth of knowledge and experience. She is incredibly dedicated and it is apparent in everything she does. Above and beyond is her normal. In a world of "everybody wins" and most people whine, Mrs. Weller not only holds every student accountable, but teaches them to make good choices, manage their time independently, and when necessary, to fail. She does all of this, and the students respect and adore her for it.

My daughter is a hilarious, smart, and beautiful 8 yr. old girl…Taylor can be difficult. She is my hero, and the bravest little person I know. She is very social (class clown) and loves being with her friends, but sitting in a classroom all day does not come easy for her.

Mrs. Weller had Taylor figured out in no time. In her classroom, Taylor thrived and her behavior at home improved too. Kris Weller took time to keep me updated on Taylor's performance in school and she offered me advice and guidance on better ways to parent Taylor and communicate with her. At home, Taylor started saying I sounded like Mrs. Weller…I took it as the highest compliment!

Taylor talked about Mrs. Weller all summer long – I mean every day we heard a "Mrs. Weller story." And she couldn't wait to return this week and give Mrs. Weller a giant squeeze. We all miss her in our daily lives. My family is better off because Kris Weller was a part of it. I'm sure we're not the only ones.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Weller wanted to share this message after she won her award:

I wanted to thank you and WZZM for the award you presented me with yesterday. I was stunned and humbled to receive such an award. Thank you for the honor and for providing yet another special moment for me to treasure in my career.

Yesterday you asked me what I would tell people considering a profession in teaching? Well, besides the passion, it's about relationships. It's about finding ways to connect with all students and being part of their learning journey. Relationships with families are also important. Realizing that parents are doing the best they can given their circumstances allows teachers to better understand and meet the needs of their children. So without a doubt, I chose the right profession for me. This is my 30th year and I can't imagine doing anything else. I wake up each day excited to get to school. It's about passion and so much more that can't be put into words.

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