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SCHOOL BUS DRIVER SHORTAGE: Many West Michigan districts report driver shortage is easing

While it may not be the case for every Michigan school district, many districts in West Michigan say their bus routes are staffed.

MICHIGAN, USA — After several years of bus routes left without drivers, many West Michigan school district leaders are reporting their driver shortages are easing.

We checked in with multiple districts in West Michigan. The districts that got back to us reported they were either fully staffed, getting there, or in a much better situation than in years past.

One of West Michigan's largest school districts, Grand Rapids Public Schools is also doing better, according to leaders at Dean Transportation.

In the last several years, Dean Transportation's Kent County Regional Operations Manager Kevin Harkness says they've been going into school years 30 or so driver short. This year, that number is much better. Harkness says they are about 12 to 13 drivers short, with drivers in training now that will help that number improve soon.

"It's been a big improvement," said Harkness. "We still need to hire folks. We're still doing hiring events. We're still doing all of that stuff. And we do have people coming in."

Although many districts report the situation is getting better, that may not be the case for all districts in the state.

Katrina Morris, executive director for the Michigan Association of Pupil Transportation acknowledges things are improving statewide, but there are still some issues.

"There are some districts that are having still some struggles," said Morris.

Driver safety and how the job is viewed

Morris says she believes the easing of the shortage is being helped by how the job is viewed.

"Bus drivers have the most safety-sensitive position in the whole entire school district," said Morris. "I think bringing awareness to that and elevating what it is that our drivers do, I think, is starting to help us to see some of that turnaround."

Getting creative

In Hamilton, some community leaders are stepping up to help fill the driver shortage at Hamilton Community Schools.

While transportation officials at HCS report the shortage is easing for them, too, former high school Principal Doug Braschler is coming back to help fill routes.

"There are districts that need it," said Braschler. "So I did a little bit of research, and found out Hamilton is in dire need of bus drivers, and it was just a natural fit."

Current principal Mitch Bosch also received training and will help fill in, too.

"Our drivers already do a lot, and we ask a lot because we try to have more experiences for kids to be a part of," said Bosch. "And the more we ask, the more we need, the more it takes from others. The best that I can do is try to be there and at least alleviate that stress."

How you can become a driver

We know there are still jobs open.

Hamilton schools report they have open jobs still. You can find their job postings here.

You can also find openings for GRPS with Dean Transportation here.

If we didn't mention your district, you can likely find job openings on your district's website.

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