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Grand Rapids couple recalls landmark SCOTUS decision

Meet Michael Hintz and Boyd Bradshaw. The two love birds met in 2008 and were married in 2014.

Meet Michael Hintz and Boyd Bradshaw. The two love birds met in 2008 and were married in 2014.

"So we just celebrated our second anniversary," Hintz said.

Still, not everyone is as excited. Hintz said the decision definitely made the critics more noticeable.

"The year or so since the decision, it certainly brought out the detractors more, we certainly have found out more about the people who don't support it are certainly not going to support it going forward," Hintz said.

But regardless, Bradshaw said the decision was bound to happen.

"Everyone sees the common sense of two adults who love each other, having the ability to marry and make life long commitments with each other," Bradshaw said.

If anything, Hintz says the gay community is stronger than ever.

"I think the gay community are very motivated group of people to be politically active and I think they're now politically active in other issues that they weren't involved in as much before," Hintz said.

Which is why they said they aren't worried, despite when there's another leader in the Oval Office.

"If either of the big candidates that we see running right now were to end up in the presidency, I don't think either one of them would take us backwards in this," Bradshaw said,

"I think the country has changed too much. I think that we're catching up with other more progressive parts of the world," Hintz said.

The two said it can only get better from here.

"I think the darkest days for the gay community are behind us. These people, my gay friends and the friends in the country are very strong people and I really feel like the brightest days are ahead of us," Hintz said.

Bradshaw said two consenting adults, regardless of gender have every right to make a life long commitment to one another and enjoy the security of what a marriage license brings.

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