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Grand Rapids meadery working to help prevent suicides

Arktos Meadery is partnering with the Grand Rapids Out of the Darkness Walk to raise money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — On Wednesday night, a performer belted out "Flowers" by Miley Cyrus in the dining room of Arktos Meadery on Bridge Street NW. That song of resilience may have been apropos for the cause that the meadery was working to help that night.

All this week, Arktos is hosting a suicide prevent charity week where they'll be donating money to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention based on how much food, drink and merchandise their customers buy. It's part of a partnership with the Grand Rapids Out of the Darkness Walk.

"A lot of us, especially us committee members who work for the Out of the Darkness Walk oftentimes have personal ties to this struggle. I lost a very close friend of mine and my college roommate to suicide, and he was a big light in my life, and he really impacted me, both in his life and in his death," said Erin Brefka who serves as the walk's media coordinator.

"I've been passionate about it for many reasons, and if nothing else, it's a way for me to remember him and to show that his loss can still be someone else's gain. In remembering these people, we can help save others."

This year's walk will be on September 15 at Millennium Park in Walker. On-site registration starts at 11 a.m. and the walk itself starts at 1 p.m.

"If we could save one person or help one person come back from the brink like that. That's worth it," Brefka said.

"This is not a issue that is tied to one group. This is something that unfortunately many of us have experienced or known someone, and we don't think that that's the way things should be. We don't think that's acceptable. So by supporting this cause, and by supporting AFSP, we can finally help literally bring some people out of the darkness and to a better place in their lives."

The organization would also like to spread the word about the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, you can call 988 at any time of day to be connected with a trained crisis counselor for free. That counselor can also help connect you with resources in your area.

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