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Court-ordered parenting times must be observed, even during 'Stay Home' order

Governor Gretchen Whitmer earlier this week suspended all nonessential activity, but parents are still obligated to follow their existing orders.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich — Michigan's stay at home order still allows for parents with shared custody to drop off their children for parenting time. But, during the present time of uncertainty, parents may have different ideas about how to keep their families safe from coronavirus.

Elizabeth K. Bransdorfer is a family law attorney with Mika Meyers. She says parents should work together and get creative. Video chats and phone calls can be great alternatives to traditional in-home visits. If visits cannot be completed at this time, they can be made up later. In any case, Bransdorfer urges parents to put the needs of their children first.

If parents cannot agree, then their existing parenting time orders will still be in effect. A judge can change those orders, but courts are currently closed unless it's an emergency. Judges determine whether a situation can be considered an emergency.

Parents can call their attorney with further questions or take consult resources available from both Mika Meyers and the Family Law Section of the Star Bar of Michigan.

Do you have more questions about COVID-19 in Michigan? Check out the state's website.

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