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Father will spend up to 10 years in jail for child abuse

Michael Rus kept his 7-year-old son locked inside a large wooden box for up to 9.5 hours a day, without blankets or pillows and sometimes withholding food from him.


A father who told deputies he kept his 7-year-old son in a box, which he called a “makeshift room” will spend 28 months to 10 years in prison. 

Michael Rus, 47, admitted to the abuse when deputies did a welfare check at the apartment he shared with his girlfriend, Jessica Kilgore, back in February. 

Rus’ attorney asked the judge for a lesser sentence, as Rus was going through changes in his life she said was to make him a better father. 

“He knows that he missed the mark of parenting. He knows that he fell short parenting. We're not disputing that well,” Rus’ attorney said. “We do want the court to realize that Mr. Rus has taken the opportunity while on a bond to do everything he can to be a better parent in hopes to be reunified with his son.” 

The box had no windows, no blankets and no pillows. Just a piece of foam. Rus and Kilgore would also withhold food and at times use running and standing out in the cold as punishment. 

Judge George Quist said due to Rus’ history, he would not be going with the 12 months in prison Rus hoped for. 

“I think Mr. Rus has done some good things, but this is also not his first child abuse conviction,” Quist said. “He had a child abuse conviction for childhood abuse in the fourth degree in 2018 but given the length of his record, this prior conviction for child abuse and the nature of the crime indicates the court that a mid-guideline sentence is appropriate, and the court will impose such a sentence.” 

Rus was sentenced to 28 months to 10 years in prison with credit for 106 days. There is also $68,000 in state costs, $130 in crime victim assessment, and $1000 in court costs. 

Kilgore, who also pleaded guilty, was given credit for her time served and is on probation for about three years. The judge cited her lack of criminal history and testifying against Rus for his lesser sentence. 

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