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Iconic Grand Rapids burger restaurant officially closing

"We invested our life savings into the business to try to stay afloat scraping by with the skin of our teeth," owners say.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — A Grand Rapids favorite for burgers is closing, owners announced Tuesday.

Fat Boy Burgers has been a beloved greasy spoon on Plainfield Avenue for years. At the end of the month, they will shut their doors for good. 

The decision did not come easily, says the Urbane family, who own the restaurant.

"It is with heartbreak that we write this post," they said on Facebook. "We are absolutely devastated."

They say before the pandemic, they had their most profitable year and just completed the process of adding beer to their menu. Then, like many small businesses, COVID hit them hard.

They explain that the last five years have been their most challenging as business owners. 

"We invested our life savings into the business to try to stay afloat scraping by with the skin of our teeth," the Urbane family said.

The restaurant survived challenges of finding employees, which cut back business hours, and then nearly six months of road construction on Plainfield that they say caused a 70% decrease in business. 

What finally pushed them too far is the inflated cost of products and slow business as a result of the economy, they said. 

"It hurts to even say that out loud because we aren’t quitters! Unfortunately, we just don’t have the energy or resources to carry on. We are still open to any miracles that God may see fit to grace us with (hello Mega Millions!) and are relying on our faith during this challenging time for our family trusting that God has our back," the Urbanes wrote. 

They say if that miracle does strike, they will be happy to keep going. In the meantime, though, they're planning to close at the end of the month to give their staff plenty of time to find a new job. 

The owners have created a GoFundMe to raise money for their employees and vendors before they close for good. You can find that here

"Just a reminder about how important it is to support your local small businesses.  If you have a favorite privately owned coffee shop or lunch spot, know that they need your support CONSISTENTLY to be able to stay afloat. Understand the long hours and hard work that they put in behind the scenes (often times without any pay!) in the pursuit of the American dream," they said.

Their staff hopes to see you one last time for a classic burger or breakfast with them before they close.

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