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Grand Rapids Bishop celebrates 500th anniversary of Reformation

Bishop Walkowiak from the Diocese of Grand Rapids hosted two events on Sunday, Oct. 29 to bring together Catholics and Lutherans in honor of the anniversary of Reformation. 

Bishop Walkowiak from the Diocese of Grand Rapids hosted two events on Sunday, Oct. 29 to bring together Catholics and Lutherans in honor of the anniversary of Reformation.

Tuesday, Oct. 31 is the 500th anniversary of the day that Martin Luther, according to some reports, nailed his 95 theses on the door of All Saints' Church in Germany.

This document aired the grievances he had with the Catholic Church with the goal of reforming it. However, his theses ended up divided the Catholic Church, and it led to the formation of many different Christian denominations.

Bishop Walkowiak hosted a prayer service with Bishop Craig A. Satterlee of the North/West Lower Michigan Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. He also joined other faith leaders at a worship service at LaGrave Avenue Christian Reformed Church.

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