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Grand Rapids Griffins welcome fans back to Van Andel Arena

"You can feel a different vibe in the arena, and the players have noticed it."

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — It was one year ago today that a state order went into effect that closed a long list of public places in Michigan, including restaurants, fitness centers and movie theaters.

The original plan, when Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed the order, was for it to stay in effect for two weeks. However, residents soon learned, those restrictions would stay in place much longer.

"It's been a crazy, bizarre year for all of us. I think back to 12 months ago on March 11 when the world kind of stopped. For the first time, the NBA announced they were suspending their season. So, we suspended our season the next day on March 12," says Tim Gortsema, president of Grand Rapids Griffins. "When that process started, I remember  thinking okay, you know we're probably going to miss a couple months of the season, maybe our playoffs. And, here we're a full 12 months later and we're still kind of dealing with it. So, it's been bizarre. It's been frustrating. It's been like Groundhog Day, in some respects, over and over just kind of expecting things to be different, and they are the same."

Gortsema says one of the biggest frustrations is that industries like his that depend on large gatherings have been among the first to close and last to open. Despite those challenges, he's encouraged about the future.

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"We do see a light at the end of the tunnel. Certainly, the vaccine numbers are very encouraging. So I think we're on the right path. I think we're close to getting out of this," he said. "I think what's a little bit frustrating for me is, with the reopening in the different industries, etcetera, almost without exception, the percentage of capacity numbers is different. Restaurants are 50%. Gyms are 30%. Casino are 30%, Whatever. We're a hard number. Right now, with venues above 10,000 is 750 people capacity. So for us, Griffins Hockey, that's sub-7%, when other industries are at 30% or 50%."

Tuesday, The Grand Rapids Griffins will host their fourth home game. It is the second home game the team will host for the public since the pandemic hit.

"Yeah, when we decided that we're going to bring fans back, it was first and foremost about following whatever the executive orders are, now MDHHS orders are, in terms of what you're allowed to do," says Gortsema. "But, even though we're allowed to do it, we certainly wanted to ask, can we do it in a safe environment. Once we felt like that we could do that in a safe environment, we were comfortable introducing fans back to the Van Andel Arena."

He says they did it slow. The Griffins' first home game, in February, was open to family and friends only. Saturday, the Griffins partially restored crowds by welcoming back a limited number of fans.

"About 750 fans were here on Saturday. Prior to that, again, it was friends and family only, so that was probably around 100. So, having been at all three games you can feel a different vibe in the arena, and the players have noticed it," says Gortsema. "750 isn't a big number when you're talking about an 11,000 seat arena, but even so it was a noticeable difference."

Even though 750 isn't a large number of people for the Van Andel, Gortsema says they take every precaution to keep everyone safe.  He says fans must got through a screening process when they purchase tickets. Then, there is a separate screening, which involves temperature checks when fans enter the building.

"And we do have a mask requirement within the facility. It's a state requirement, but it's also a league requirement, in terms of our return to play protocols. So, fans that are here are wearing their masks with the exception of when they're in their seats or actively eating or drinking, similar to if you're in a restaurant," he said. "There's tons of these sanitation stations throughout the arena where if people feel the need to get hand sanitizer, they can do that."

Griffins 2021-22 season ticket members will be given the first opportunity to purchase tickets to these and other home games during the remainder of the 2020-21 season.

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