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Grand Rapids labeled as top ten city to visit in 2024

A CNN poll ranked Grand Rapids at number eight in U.S. cities to visit in 2024.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Grand Rapids is the number eight place to visit this year, according to a CNN list of the top 10 U.S. cities to visit in 2024, citing the city's vibrant art scene, green spaces, music, culture and, of course, craft beer. 

The list, aimed to highlight towns without the crowds of major cities, places Grand Rapids above Duluth, Minn. and Knoxville, Tenn., saying that America's 'Beer City' is so much more than a drinking town. 

Doug Small, the President and CEO of Experience Grand Rapids, the official destination marketing organization for the city, agrees. 

"The food scene, craft beverage scene, art and culture, which I think we have as good as anywhere in the Midwest," Small said. "It certainly is a diamond in the Midwest that I think is refreshing in that we have everything that the large cities have, maybe not as many of them, but in a more comfortable setting."

Small said the city markets itself on the amenities of a big city in a smaller town: food, art, culture, outdoor adventure and live music. Something small refers to the city's brand characteristics. 

"You come here for any of those five brand characteristics I mentioned, your socks are gonna get knocked off," Small said. "What's great about our visitors is they come here, they see it, they believe it, they go back and tell others, and then they come back again with other people."

Small said that it's been important to keep the city lively. 

"Our infrastructure, new hotels, refreshed. You know, you walk in our convention center today and it looks like it was built last year," Small said. "So we keep refreshing things."

Keeping the city forward moving, Small said, all year round. 

"If you think Grand Rapids is really coming into its own, wait till tomorrow," Small said. "Almost daily, there's something new that we can add to our toolbox, to market to the world. And so I can't wait for tomorrow."

For out-of-town visitors, Small said the city is a must-see destination. For some lifelong residents, they agree. 

Alan Waldron describes himself as a "true blue West-sider." Both lived in that area of Grand Rapids for 25-30 years, and in the city as a whole for 50 years. He said half a century ago, the city was a bit rougher. 

"We've done a lot to do some great improvements to our city," Waldron said. "I was here pre a lot of everything here. So watching the city grow has certainly been a delight. And seeing how many more people actually come here for the tourism. That's pretty impressive." 

When he moved into the area, the city's skyline was just McKay Tower. Waldron said for 10-15 years that was the case, until a recent boom in business, arts and culture put Grand Rapids on the map. 

"If you come to Grand Rapids and you can't find yourself good music to listen to, and either the bars are right here and Rosa Park Circle or one of the other venues around here, then you're obviously not going to the right places," Waldron said. "Music and the arts are my most favorite parts of being a part of the city."

Waldron said when he saw CNN's poll, he wasn't surprised. 

"I'd like to see us actually higher next year," Waldron said. "Come whenever you like. We're always ready for you, and there's plenty for you to do and see." 

Waldron's not alone. Adam Lube came to Grand Rapids in 2016 originally for work. Since then, he's enjoyed exploring the city for the past eight years. 

Lube said while he's glad the city is getting recognition, he disagrees with the ranking. 

"I think we're probably a little better than that. Schools are great. Lot of activities," Lube said. "We're close enough to both major cities, whether Chicago or Detroit. So depending on what your fandom is, you can get either place, the lake, obviously, Grand Haven." 

Lube said Grand Rapids has a big small-town feel- with hundreds of options for food and fun- still maintaining a strong local community. 

"I think there's a lot of options, a lot of like local business where, where everybody sort of knows everybody," Lube said. 

Lube said he's excited to see where the city grows next- hoping for a higher placement in the coming years. 

"I think it's top five. We got to get some major sports move down this way. You know, some families pump a bunch of money into it. That certainly helps. But we're probably top five."

"I can't think of a much better place to be in Michigan, you know," Waldron said. "So when it comes to a large metropolitan area, Grand Rapids does quite a lot to be a very, very impressive city."

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