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Meijer's Hudsonville store will open July 12

This location is one of six new stores Meijer is opening in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin in 2018.

Meijer has announced the opening date for the new Hudsonville super center.

The story will officially open on July 12 with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The store’s gas station will open almost a month earlier on June 14.

2006 was when talks of Meijer coming to the Hudsonville area first came to life, but then a recession hit and for more than a decade a 'Meijer coming soon' sign sat at the front of the lot.

Finally, that signage has changed to actual dates and people are happy to see it.

"To see that it's actually here is pretty exciting," Ken Bergwerff, the Jamestown Township Supervisor, said. "We've had residents from all corners of the township who have expressed just downright excitement."

The Hudsonville Meijer will open its doors in roughly a month and bring 300 people on its payroll. The new business is also already attracting other big box companies to an expanding area.

"I've had phone calls from a number of national retailers asking so what properties are available and what are they zoned for. So we're looking at this whole stretch right here is just poised for growth," Bergwerff.

It's something other businesses want to see. Michael Conrad is hopeful the new Meijer will drive more traffic to his own business.

"I'm hoping to see, as a business owner, that more traffic comes into this area. Which with the other improvements that Hudsonville's got going, it should be really good for the community."

"We have to be planning not for just the next year and the next two years, but we've got to be looking 30 years down the road. What is this going to look like?" Bergwerff, asked.

According to a press release, there are still select job positions available. The hourly positions will be part-time and full-time across a wide array of departments. For more information or to apply, click here.

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