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Jury finds Kent Co. man guilty of sex trafficking a child, sexual exploitation of a child and distribution of child porn

Evidence shows that Terrence Clay, 39, had sex with the victim multiple times and ordered her to have sex with other men for money.
Credit: WZZM

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — A federal jury convicted a Kent County man of sex trafficking of a child, sexual exploitation of a child and distribution of child pornography on Wednesday. 

U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan (WDMI) Mark Totten said evidence introduced at the trial showed that Terrence Clay, 39, originally met the minor victim at a park in Grand Rapids in early 2022. 

The evidence showed that Clay had sex with the victim multiple times and ordered her to have sex with other men for money. Clay even directed her to "make a sign" and "panhandle," offering specific sex acts at set prices. 

Once Clay received nude images of the victim, he advertised her online, according to the attorney's office.  

“Treating his victim like nothing more than property, Terrence Clay repeatedly ordered a minor to sell herself for sex,” said Totten. “Today’s guilty verdict on all counts secures a measure of justice for the victim and the entire community who is harmed by these heinous crimes. Working with our law enforcement partners, social service providers, and others we will continue our efforts to end the scourge of human trafficking.” 

The attorney's office said police found the victim in a library and she was taken to a foster home in the Upper Peninsula while they began investigating the case. 

However, Clay found her and picked her up on November 12, 2022, without her foster family knowing. Shortly after Clay crossed south of the Mackinac Bridge, police pulled him over and found the victim with him.  

“Our Human Trafficking Task Force continues to make progress in prosecutions and building relationships with area victim service providers to further enhance Kent County’s response to sex and labor trafficking,” said Kent County Sheriff Michelle LaJoye-Young. “It is not lost on us the impact these horrible crimes have on victims and our overall community.”

The attorney's office said this case is part of Project Safe Childhood, which is a nationwide initiative created to protect children from exploitation and abuse. You can find more information on that program here

Clay is scheduled to be sentenced on Sept. 17, 2024. 

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