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Michigan native returns to Ottawa Co. to help find alligator in Crockery Lake

Dan Rooks says he plans to give the alligator to a sanctuary if it is caught.

OTTAWA COUNTY, Mich. — A Michigan native is hoping to help find an alligator spotted in Ottawa County.

In early August, several people reported seeing an alligator in Crockery Lake. While the DNR has not been able to confirm or deny if an alligator is in the lake, Dan Rooks says he plans to find out.

"I'm calling it the Crock Ness Monster, just because it's like the Loch Ness Monster, or, you know, Sasquatch,” said Rooks. 

Rooks grew up on the lake and moved to Florida 12 years ago.

While down south, he picked up alligator hunting as a hobby. So when he heard on social media that a gator could be lurking near his former home, he decided it was the perfect time to use his talents. 

"I put together a team of some locals from there. Really, it's just locating it, and that'll be done at night with bright lights. I'll be able to see its eyes shine. And at that point, I just have to get it hooked up,” said Rooks. 

Many wonder how does a gator get into the waters of Michigan? Rooks says someone probably had the gator as a pet, and let it go into the water when it got too big for their home. 

“Because you get them like anything else, when they're small, they're cute, and then they outgrow their enclosure. Nobody has a closure to keep a 12, 13-foot alligator,” said Rooks.

He says right now, there is no major threat to anyone in the area, but you should be precautious with small pets just in case.

He is working with a local sanctuary to move the alligator to their location, if he finds the gator.

13 ON YOUR SIDE’s Samantha Jacques will be joining Rooks in his mission to find the alligator next Wednesday night.

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