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Michigan is better than Ohio, according to yet another study

U.S. News' ranking of the 50 states has Michigan just 33rd - but that's still two spots higher than Ohio.

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Blue welcome to Pure Michigan sign on a stone wall, stock image.

If you're reading this, you probably already knew Michigan is a better state than Ohio (that, or you're an Ohioan and one of your Ohioan friends happened to hate-share this story with you).

Now we have more data to prove it.

U.S. News ranked the best states in America based on "thousands of data points" relating to health care, education, crime, infrastructure, opportunity, economy and government.

Michigan ranks 33rd out of 50, which is obviously not a flattering performance. But it's still higher than Ohio, which ranks 35th.

Here's how the Great Lakes State performed: 34th in health care, 42nd in education, 19th in crime & corrections, 41st in infrastructure, 12th in opportunity, 28th in economy and 22nd in government.

Michigan's high ranking in opportunity is mostly due to its affordability which ranks 2nd. On the other hand, the state ranks low in education due to ranking 45th in higher education and 35th in pre-K-12.

"More weight was accorded to some state measures than others, based on a survey of what matters most to people," U.S. News explained. "Health care and education were weighted most heavily. Then came the opportunity states offer their citizens, their crime & corrections and infrastructure. State economies followed closely in weighting, followed by measures of government administration."

Massachusetts is the No. 1 state in America, according to this study, followed by New Hampshire (what? really?), Minnesota, North Dakota, Washington, Iowa, Utah, Maryland, Colorado and Vermont.

Within each of the categories is another set of data points, so you can read the full methodology of this study.

Look, we know. "Home is where you make it." There are passionate people in every state who believes their state is the greatest in America -- even in Louisiana, which ranks last in this study.

But take this moment to remember which Michigan actually is the greatest state in America. Remember what Thrillist said when it ranked Michigan No. 1 a couple years ago? The coastlines, the beers, the Upper Peninsula, the forests, the food?

Compare that to Ohio, which really only offers Cedar Point - and, judging by its location on a peninsula in Lake Erie, even that is trying to get out of Ohio!

So if you're a Michigander, be at ease. There are issues with this state, no question, but there's also plenty to love - and you're still in a better state than our neighbors just south.

Stay tuned for our breaking news report later today that water is wet.

Contact Brian Manzullo: bmanzullo@freepress.com. Follow him on Twitter @BrianManzullo.

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