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Michigan potholes FAQ: Here's everything you need to know

How do I report a pothole? What if a pothole wrecks my car? Do I swerve if I see a pothole ahead? Plus more as Michigan endures a bad pothole season.
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Large pothole in street, stock image.

The Michigan potholes are back. And it feels like they're worse than ever.

Another tumultuous winter season in Michigan has potholes wreaking havoc everywhere, especially across metro Detroit. And it's leading to frustrations for unlucky drivers who have to wait up to hours to get their cars towed.

We know you have questions as you endure what we're now calling "pothole season." How do I report a pothole? What if a pothole wrecks my car? Do I swerve if I see a pothole ahead?

That's where we come in. Here's everything you need to know - and how to survive the brutal roads.

How do potholes form?

There's a very good, scientific explanation for this. We'll let the Michigan Department of Transportation explain:

Potholes occur when snow and ice melt as part of Michigan's seasonal freeze-thaw cycles. The resulting water then seeps beneath the pavement through cracks caused by the wear and tear of traffic. As the temperatures cool to freezing at night, the water becomes ice and expands below the pavement, forcing the pavement to rise. As the weight of traffic continues to pound on this raised section – and the temperatures once again rise above freezing – a shallow divot occurs under the surface and the pavement breaks, forming a pothole. A pothole is typically fixed by cleaning out the loose debris and filling it with hot and cold asphalt patch.

Why do potholes seem so bad this year?

As you might know, the State of Michigan, especially in the southeast, has dealt with a topsy-turvy winter season, with the weather rapidly warming up and cooling down over spans of days and weeks.

There's also been a lot of snow. Detroit has amassed a snowfall total of about 52.7 inches thus far this winter season, among the Top 10 snowiest cities in the nation, a list that also includes Grand Rapids (66.8), Flint (65.7) and Ann Arbor (65.3).

Combine all that with this early warm-up in February and you get a spike in pothole reports. And unfortunately, pothole season is probably just beginning.

How do I safely avoid potholes while driving?

Great question!

First things first: Drive cautiously. Keep a lot of space between you and the car in front of you so you can see the road. Keep your windshield clean and your headlights working, especially at night. Also, be wary of puddles. They could be potholes filled with water.

So what if you see a pothole ahead and can't avoid it? MDOT writes:

There are often two schools of thought on driving through potholes: speeding up to "jump" over them and jamming the brakes hard to hit them as slowly as possible. Both might work occasionally but the best way is somewhere in between.

If you see a pothole ahead and can't safely steer to avoid it, it's best to slow down, then release the brakes before you hit the pothole. This helps to reduce the speed at impact as well as give your suspension the full range of travel to absorb the impact. If you can't avoid the pothole, straighten your wheel to hit it squarely and roll through. Hitting a pothole at an angle can transfer the energy of impact in ways more likely to damage your vehicle.

I hit a pothole. What do I do?

That depends. The most common ailments from potholes include tire and wheel damage. Repairs following a nasty impact can average about $200 for a new tire, but can easily exceed that if a tie-rod breaks, a ball joint fractures or a wheel must be replaced.

MDOT adds: If you notice your vehicle pulling one way or the other after hitting a pothole, you probably need to get your steering realigned. If it's "bottoming out" or bouncing, you may have a damaged suspension.

What if I need to pull over? Do not get out of your car on a busy highway or roadway to inspect the damage! If you have to pull over on these roads, park in a safe spot, stay in your car and call for roadside assistance.

Can I get reimbursed? Yes, but it's not easy. You first need to identify what kind of road you were driving on — state, county, or city— and file your claim with the appropriate agency. State roads include those that begin with the letters I, M, or U.S.

You’ll also likely have to prove that the government in charge of that roadway had prior knowledge of the potholes.

For more information and how to file a claim in each metro Detroit county, click here.

How do I report a pothole?

MDOT asks drivers to report potholes to its website using this form, where you can pinpoint the location of the pothole and describe its size, depth and overall danger to passing vehicles.

You also can call 888-296-4546 to report a pothole on a state road (any road beginning with M, I or US designations). For other potholes, contact your county or local unit of government.

>> Report a pothole here

What is the State of Michigan doing about these potholes?

The Michigan Legislature is fast-tracking an additional $175 million in road funding for the upcoming construction season.

Under the plan, $38.1 million would be distributed to cities and villages across the state, $68.4 million would be allocated to the state’s 83 counties and another $68.4 million would be used for state trunkline preservation and enhancement projects that would help improve mobility for senior citizens and disabled people, as well as projects that will bolster technology in the state’s roads, including coordination and testing with autonomous vehicles.

The state portion will be divided between $53 million for state road preservation, which could include patching potholes or asphalt overlays but not total reconstruction of roads, and the rest toward the enhancement projects.

You can read more here.

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