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'Super proud': Mother of Logan McVicker remembers her son killed in a car crash

A standout athlete, it was Logan McVicker's kindness that leaves an impact on everyone he met.

KENT CITY, Mich. — We're learning more about the teenager killed in a crash on US-131 in Grand Rapids on Monday, 19-year-old Logan McVicker.

If his mom had to sum up her son in one thought, it would be perfection.

"More than any parent could ask for," says Danielle Thurlby, McVicker's mom.

A gift not only to her, but to everyone who knew him.

"There will be a hole in Kent City's heart," says Isaac Schnicke, a high school friend of McVicker's.

By all accounts, he was a hard worker who was passionate about everything he did.

"He worked really hard in school got really good grades, active in so many sports," says Thurlby.

As a multi-sport athlete, when he wasn't wrestling, McVicker spent a lot of time at Kent City High School's football stadium, as a member of the football team, track and field team and marching band.

"A great teammate, was someone that his peers could rely on," says Bill Crane, Kent City's superintendent and McVicker's former football coach.

Logan was a standout athlete, but it was his kindness that stuck out to so many.

"He just had a real gentle spirit about him," says Jordan Stuhan, Kent City's secondary principal. "Somebody that I really enjoyed talking to."

Schnicke played in the marching band with McVicker for a year, and couldn't believe the news of the crash.

"I'm still kind of numb to it being real," he says.

Schnicke says Logan was famous for his high fives and bear hugs to just about everyone in Kent City High School's halls.

"I can't even express how bright of a light we just lost," says Schnicke.

As tributes have poured in on social media, McVicker's mom is filled with emotion.

"It makes me feel super proud," she says. "But it's still hard."

The community he touched with his compassion hopes to carry on what he leaves behind.

"He truly cared about everyone that he interacted with," says Schnicke. "And that's just what we should live by."


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