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MI man may pay out of pocket for brain cancer surgery in Texas

When a Michigan man’s brain surgery was postponed due to insurance issues, his motorcycle club rallied around him.

IONIA, Mich. — An Ionia County man is in Houston awaiting brain cancer surgery, after insurance issues pushed it back over a week. 

Steve Barber went to MD Anderson in Texas for a second opinion. But because MD Anderson is out of state, Barber is having issues funding the surgery. 

On Facebook, Barber’s wife Melissa said that initial appointments came out of pocket. However, for Barber’s surgery, they would need to pay 60% down or about $98,000.  

Barber’s friends at the Loyal Riders Motorcycle Club North Plains Chapter decided to donate money to help offset the medical burden. 

“All the proceeds [go] to Steve Barber and his family to help ease their burden of what they have to incur down in Texas to get his medical attention,” Treasurer Rodeo. 

Barber was diagnosed in mid-July, and since then the tumor has grown. 

“Now it's very, very invasive surgery. It's a massive brain tumor, very invasive cancer, is what they're thinking,” Rodeo said. 

The motorcycle club will do whatever it takes to raise money for the family. 

“We're going to do what we can do to assist in any way possible. He's one of us, whether he's a patch holder or not, he's one of us,” member Oscar said. “He's been a family to us. They've been good to us. We've been good to them. That's just how we roll.” 

All proceeds from the North Plains Annual Party will benefit Barber to fund medical costs that might be out of pocket. The party will take place August 10 at noon at the Loyal Riders Club House in Ionia. There is also a Venmo to donate to the family, @BarberStrong. 

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