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$400 million neighborhood coming to Muskegon's former Sappi property

Homes will start at around $200,000 but there will also be apartments and condos in Windward Pointe as well as commercial businesses.

MUSKEGON, Mich. — MUSKEGON, Mich. - When the Sappi Smoke Stacks came down last year, it paved the way for a massive new development in Muskegon.

"In terms of a single project, it's probably the biggest," says Wes Eklund of Pure Muskegon the group leading the development.

120 acres of land near the intersection of Lakeshore Drive and Lincoln will be transformed into a $250-400 million dollar neighborhood development called Windward Pointe.

"There should be somewhere between 600 and 750 residences on the property mixed between single family and multi-family at different price points," says Eklund.

Homes will start at around $200,000 but there will also be apartments and condos in Windward Pointe as well as commercial businesses.

"Just to get to this point where the site is clean and clear and the old buildings are not here anymore is one step," says Eklund.

But the property still faces challenges. Old railroad tracks run across the width of the land.

"We're still negotiating and working with the railroad. We think we're going to reach an amicable resolution to get the railroad tracks out but dealing with the railroad takes time," says Eklund.

Construction on phase one of the property could start later this year, but it's more likely to begin next year. Windward Pointe is a long-term project that could take anywhere between five and 10 years to be fully complete.

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