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School announcer terminated for 'racially charged statement'

Muskegon Catholic Central issued an apology letter for the volunteer announcer's Facebook post.
Credit: Ron Alvey - stock.adobe.com

MUSKEGON, Mich. — A volunteer announcer at Muskegon Catholic Central has been terminated for making what the school is calling racially charged statements. 

In a statement to the community, MCC President Ken R. Rasp announced the termination. "...I write to publicly apologize to the Lady Tigers, their families and the Muskegon Heights school community." 

A Message from our President, Ken R. Rasp: Earlier this afternoon, a volunteer basketball announcer posted a statement...

Posted by Muskegon Catholic Central - Faith.Moving.Forward. on Thursday, February 10, 2022

Volunteer coach Tracy Lorenz made a post on Facebook saying "Every year Catholic Central has me announce exactly ONE girl's basketball game. For the second year in a row it's Muskegon Heights." Lorenz posted a photo of the roster with a list of names containing apostrophes. 

Then, in a comment to his own post, he said "These are actually MUCH better than last year." 

Credit: Facebook screenshot from Josh Moore

In his letter sent to parents, Rasp said, "I was stunned when I read what was written.  I am saddened by this blatant disregard for the dignity of these young student-athletes."

13 ON YOUR SIDE spoke with Lorenz on the phone. He didn't want to talk at length but did say, "I apologize to the school and everyone else that was offended." 

President Rasp finished his letter by saying, "We are excited about welcoming the Lady Tigers to Cioe Gym tomorrow evening to play the Lady Crusaders. Our hope is that the game allows the two teams the opportunity to show the joy of competition and sportsmanship."


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