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Two credit card thefts investigated in Ottawa County

Captain Jake Sparks of the Ottawa County Sheriff's Office says investigators are looking into a credit card theft at the Holland Township Meijer and HomeGoods.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich — Deputies are investigating two credit card thefts in the Holland Township area, both happening on Wednesday at two different stores, Meijer and HomeGoods.

Captain Jake Sparks of the Ottawa County Sheriff's Office said the two victims were shopping with their purses in their carts.

"In both instances that we're talking about, they were approached by younger females in their teens or in their 20's," said Captain Sparks. "They distracted them by speaking to them about products that were offered for the sale price on something or asking their opinion on some products. It's believed at this point that while the shoppers were interacting with those females, somebody else was accessing their wallet from their purses and their shopping carts."

Investigators believe the stolen credit cards were used for large purchases at the Holland Township Sam's Club.

So what actually happens when you're credit card is stolen? 

Bruce McClary, Senior vice president of membership and communications at the National Foundation of Credit Counseling explains:

"There's something called the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which allows people 60 days after they receive their billing statement, to contact their credit card issuer and let them know about unauthorized charges," said McClary.

McClarry also says a good way to make sure you're catching bad charges quickly, turn your card notifications on on your phone.

"So the first thing I tell people to do is to contact their credit card company and set up automated alerts, so that they can be informed the moment something happens," said McClarry.

As for preventing thefts before they happen, Captain Sparks is advising people to keep their purses and other items secure.

"Keep your purse with you. Don't leave it unattended in the shopping cart," said Sparks. "You can keep it over your shoulder or with you while you're shopping that might help. Then only bring the amount of money or the cards that you need for that shopping trip."

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