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Rooster adopted from Kent Co. Animal Shelter 1 day after 13OYS story

Gregory Peck came to the shelter after someone spotted him roaming the side of the highway. He was adopted just after a 13 ON YOUR SIDE story about him aired.

KENT COUNTY, Michigan — One day after a 13 ON YOUR SIDE story ran about a rooster without a coop of his own, he was adopted by his new family.

Gregory Peck came to the Kent County Animal Shelter after someone spotted him on the side of the highway in southeast Grand Rapids.

“Gregory Peck was on an adventure without any people," Tara Robinson, Office Administrator at the shelter says. 

“Somebody took pity on him wanted to make sure he was safe and that he didn't interact with traffic. So, they let us know that he needed to be picked up.”

He's spent the last two weeks holed up in an empty coop behind the shelter. 

“Gregory Peck is rather shy, he enjoys being in his coop. He is comfortable resting in that area on his own," she said. 

In a field filled with a symphony of dog barks and cat meows, the peace and quiet of silent Gregory Peck's coop is a nice change of pace for shelter staff.

"That's a safe space for him. We let him be," said Robinson. 

He's certainly not their first bird at the shelter. They'll take in anything domesticated.

“We tend to get a handful of them every year," Robinson said. “We've seen multiple fowl at one time, we had multiple chickens and turkeys and geese and pea fowl. We've also had multiple sheep, lots of pigs, goats, pygmy goats. We've had some ferrets, we get a variety.”

"It's a lot of fun," she smiled.

Though, Robinson said Gregory is special in his own right. And it seems he's found a home that sees that, too. 

He was adopted by a family with three kids and a coop of his own. That's all a rooster can hope for. 

“We hope he lives his best rooster life," said Robinson.

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