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Mecosta County officials hold round table to discuss Gotion concerns

On Friday, a group of elected officials and panelists gathered to discuss their concerns on Gotion's battery plant project in Mecosta County.

MECOSTA COUNTY, Mich. — It was another crowded meeting room at the Green Charter Township hall Friday afternoon, something that's been seen in the past. However, this time Congressman (R) John Moolenaar and others shared their concerns about Gotion's presence in the county.

"Governors like J.B. Pritzker and Gretchen Whitmer have decided to leave tax payers on the hook for billions in federal subsidies, funneling the companies beholden to actors like the CCP," said Illinois Congressman (R) Darin Lahood.

Alongside Representative Lahood, Michigan Congressman (R) John Moolenaar.

On Friday, a round table discussion featured an hour-long conversation about Gotion and China, with local input coming from Green Charter Township Supervisor Jason Kruse.

"We wanted to bring light to these issues and have a chance for residents to hear directly from experts," said Representative Moolenaar.

"We've been working very hard to bring the power back to the people through various committees and commissions, so that's how we're handling this project," said Kruse.

For those against the project, that's been the main talking point since the project was introduced in late 2022 after $175 Million in state dollars was given to the company to build the plant.

Congressman Moolenaar also explained to neighbors a current house bill nicknamed the "no Gotion Bill" that would prevent federal tax dollars from funding projects linked to countries like China.

"A lot of people throughout America and throughout the state of Michigan don't want their tax payer dollars to be used to fund adversarial nations and businesses affiliated with the CCP or other hostile entities," said Representative Moolenaar.

Chuck Thelen, VP of North American Operations, has previously denied Gotion is tied to the Chinese Communist Party.

He released a statement on the discussion Friday afternoon, we've shared that statement below.

Full statement from Chuck Thelen:

“The congressman conducted a carefully orchestrated political rally with biased participants and handpicked audience members with no actual input from the public. In fact, five of the six participants of the event don’t even live in Mecosta County. Being that the event took place on taxpayer-funded property, the public should have been given a chance to get their voices heard. Instead, it was a partisan sideshow with a preconceived outcome. 

“I was unable to attend the meeting due to a previously scheduled family vacation, but I offered multiple names that could attend and outline the community’s true opinion; however this offer was rejected. Because I do want to talk with Congressman Moolenaar regarding several issues, he was invited to be a guest on this Monday’s “Chat with Chuck,” our monthly virtual town hall meeting where we do take questions from local residents. He did not accept the offer with no further explanation.”  

Allegations regarding forced labor

“Gotion does not source any products that are not in full compliance with U.S and global labor laws. We have complied, and will continue to comply, with all laws, including labor laws. After an erroneous letter from federal elected officials to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Gotion voluntarily reached out to the department to offer any assistance in the manner.“

Supposed ‘ties to the CCP’

“Gotion High-Tech is an independently operated international private enterprise. The political affiliation of any employee does not affect the company’s business decision-making process. Gotion complies with all laws and regulations of the countries where it conducts business and provides high-quality products to their customers.”

Implied ‘threats to U.S. national security’

“Like many international companies, Gotion’s parent company is based in China. In fact, Michigan is home to more than 265 companies with ties to Chinese-based corporations employing over 32,000 people. None of these companies have threatened our way of life and they are great neighbors and job providers. 

“Gotion already has two facilities in the United States – in Fremont, Calif. and Independence, Ohio – and there have never been any issues whatsoever since we incorporated in the U.S. more than 10 years ago. Gotion is also committed to being great neighbors to the residents of Green Charter Township.

“Both the Trump Administration and Biden Administration have stated they welcome companies that manufacture in the U.S., with U.S. employees doing the manufacturing, and that’s exactly what Gotion is doing.”

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