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Don’t cry over spilled milk: Semi truck overturned on I-196 carrying milk

A tanker truck overturned near Adams St. overpass, spilling milk on the highway and causing hours of cleanup.
Credit: Stock

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich — A semi-truck carrying milk driving East on I-196 drifted off the road and overturned on the Adams St. overpass on Friday.

Milk spilled out of the truck onto the highway, and the Ottawa County hazmat team responded to the scene to clean it. No one was injured in the accident, Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office reports.

The trucking company sent another tanker to the site of the crash. The remaining milk was pumped into the upstanding truck. The overturned truck was then safely lifted back up.

The crash happened around 9:30 a.m. Friday morning. There was several hours of cleanup from the accident. One lane of Eastbound I-196 was closed for three hours during this time, MDOT reports.

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