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After 30 years, Teacher of the Week will retire at the end of the school year

This week, 13 ON YOUR SIDE surprised a teacher celebrating her last year in the business before retirement.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — This week, 13 ON YOUR SIDE surprised a teacher celebrating her last year in the business before retirement. Our newest Teacher of the Week works at Southwood Elementary with Kentwood Public Schools.

Her name is Jennifer Ursum and after the surprise, she said, “I was completely shocked. I had no idea, and I’m surprised that so many people were in on this, and they kept the secret very well.”

Jeff Overkleeft is the Southwood Elementary School principal. He said this about setting things up, “It was interesting. We had to figure out how we were going to get her out of her room, especially starting the day.”

“I’m amazed that everyone was able to keep this a secret and tell me what was going on,” Ursum said.

Overkleeft said, “I was thinking about: I hope this goes well, how is this going to work, hopefully she doesn’t see her husband or you coming in.”

“I had no idea that somebody would recommend me,” said Ursum.

Her principal said, “Mrs. Ursum is just an outstanding educator, and she is so deserving of this recognition.”

Originally from Manistee, Ursum said, “I chose teaching because I fell in love with my second-grade teacher, way back in the day, and I wanted to be a second-grade teacher.”

She’s been with the same district the whole time.

“I did my student-teaching in Kentwood, as well, and this is my 30th and final year of teaching,” she said.

“She makes such a difference in the lives of the students and the families she works with,” said Overkleeft.

She said after three decades of teaching, “I have so many kids in my class this year that I’ve had so many members of their families: older brothers, nieces and nephews, I’ve had a momma. It’s amazing.”

“She’s also a mentor teacher to new staff that is hired. So, she’s just a go-to for not only staff but myself if we need answers to anything,” said Overkleeft.

Ursum has been working with youngsters most of her career and now teaches second graders.

“I love this age group. They come to me already knowing how to read a little bit and do things and I can build on that,” she said. “I try to make learning fun with lots of different games and opportunities to talk and learn together.”

She also said the surprise came right on time.

“I am absolutely loving this year and loving all of the last moments that I’m having with this group of kids and having this moment is very, very meaningful.”

The school invited her husband and daughter to the celebration.

Jokingly, our newest Teacher of the Week looked at her family and said, “They’re going to hear it from me later.”

“She deserves it, and I saw her eyes getting teary and it’s just a great recognition, especially with it being her last year,” said Principal Overkleeft. “This is such a great segment that you guys do each and every week.”

“I love that our community is able to see lots of different teachers in their element and know what we’re doing and it’s an important job,” said Ursum.

“Teachers were the ones that probably inspired you to do what you do today. So, it’s just so important and I just can’t thank WZZM enough for what you do to recognize the hardworking teachers,” said Overkleeft.

If you have someone you’d like to nominate as our next Teacher of the Week, just text “teacher” to 616-559-1310.

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