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Teacher of the Week could have retired years ago

Our latest Teacher of the Week could have retired years ago but she’s still at it, helping to shape students in one West Ottawa school.

HOLLAND, Mich. — Our newest Teacher of the Week could have retired years ago but she’s still at it, helping to shape students in one West Ottawa school.

In the video, you can see her eyes wide open as she walked into her classroom for the surprise.

Harbor Lights Middle School teacher Susan Veld told 13 ON YOUR SIDE, “I thought, oh my gosh, my academy is still here and they’re not in first hour. What is happening?”

There was no problem. Just the surprise underway after Veld was nominated and chosen as our next Teacher of the Week.

“That someone would take the time is so, so, so special,” she said.

Dave Stefanich is the principal at Harbor Lights Middle School. He said, “She is someone that is really a staple, not only at Harbor Lights but in the West Ottawa community. She’s taught two of my own kids and she is someone that kids just gravitate towards. They love being in her class. So, I was not even a little bit surprised.”

“It makes me feel pretty loved,” said Veld.

She’s originally from Holland and after Hope College and the University of Michigan, she says the choice was clear.

“I kind of like to be in charge. So, yes, I think I always knew that I was going to be a teacher.”

She could have retired years ago, and is now in her 34th year with West Ottawa Public Schools.

“I love my kids. I love my job. I love being here. This is like the most important thing besides my family,” said Veld.

Principal Stefanich said, “She is still as passionate about what she does and what she does with her kids as she was 20 years ago when I worked with her as a teacher.”

She creates a soothing atmosphere for students.

“We like to say it’s chill and I’ve had kids come in, they’re like, ‘aw, this is nice.’ Instead of the bright fluorescents. They’re lovely, but not for us. So, I haven’t used overhead lights in probably 15 years,” said Veld.

She also has a way of keeping things fun.

In the middle of our interview, she turned to her students and said, “Do you want to do Just Dance?”

The classed cheered, “yes,” with excitement.

“She’s fun, she’s engaging, the kids love her, and she does a great job of making connections with her students,” said Stefanich. “Teachers are the real superheroes. They’re the people that in real life wear the capes and they wear the superhero outfits and so just anytime you can stop and thank a teacher or think back on the teachers that maybe you had that impacted your life, reach back out to them. Teachers love to hear from former students saying thanks.”

“Just be a good human. Be kind to other people. You never know what they’re going through,” said Veld.

If you have someone you'd like to nominate as our next Teacher of the Week, it’s easy. Just call 616-559-1310 or email News@13OnYourSide.com. Give us the teacher’s name and school, plus a brief description and that teacher could be chosen next.

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