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Walker Memorial Day Parade commemorates fallen veterans

While many showed up for the floats and candy, others reflected on the true meaning of the holiday.

WALKER, Mich. — The Walker Memorial Day Parade saw hundreds of people lining Remembrance Road Monday. 

Many of the children showed up for candy, or families to view the floats and trucks. However, others hoped everyone remembers the true meaning of the holiday. 

"As a veteran who spent many memorial days in the combat zone," said Dale Kramer, Saladin Shriner and veteran, "I stood in many Memorial Day services for fallen comrades who were killed in action. It means quite a bit to me. It’s more than barbeque." 

Many veterans and their families began the parade. Some said they were there for those who could not be. 

Credit: 13 OYS
Families come out to the Walker Memorial Day Parade.

"I'm here to support the ones who can’t be here and are buried," said Terrance Marshall, Army National Guard, "They gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. I’m here to represent for them."

For some, the day was spent remembering fallen comrades from years of service. 

"It gives me a chance to sit down and I remember all those I were with that fell during Vietnam," said Ron Oakes, post commander for VFW 702 and Vietnam and Iraq veteran, "I think about what they would be doing now if they were still alive. Those who lost their lives in Vietnam, most were very young: 18, 19, 20 years old. They didn’t have a chance to progress, become parents, become grandparents, see their grandchildren. Just remember: freedom isn’t free."

Credit: 13 OYS
Families come out to the Walker Memorial Day Parade.

Some brought attention to those who did return home, but not the same. 

"They make an ultimate sacrifice," said Jenna Wilmers, commander of American Legion Post 1111, "We all sign on the dotted line into a volunteer organization to give our life to our country, and not all of us come home. And some of us who do come home, still suffer from PTSD and other ailments."


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