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Race for John Conyers' open seat a Democratic free-for-all

It's not just candidates with political experience filling the field
U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., is the longest-serving active member of Congress.

The race for the open congressional seat vacated by U.S. Rep. John Conyers started out as a family affair but with 10 candidates now in the race, there are concerns the vote could be hopelessly split and result in the election of someone other than a black Detroiter to a seat traditionally and historically linked to both.

“That is a very, very, very big concern among a lot of folks that I talk to,” said Jonathan Kinloch, chairman of the 13th District Democratic Party who is also part of a group of about 30 local stakeholders — including clergy and union leaders — planning to meet with candidates in the days to come in an attempt to coalesce around a single Democrat to support well in advance of the Aug. 7 primary.

“Yes, we have an African American (member of Congress) in Brenda Lawrence (D-Southfield),” Kinloch said. “But she’s not from the city ... not to mention it (the loss of a black Detroiter in Congress) would decrease the number of African-American voices that are part of the Congressional Black Caucus. … There are some serious concerns. “

More: John Conyers' nephew Sen. Ian Conyers wants to replace him in Congress

More: John Conyers' son files to run for his father's Detroit seat in House

In a race earlier defined by the candidacies of Conyers' son John III and grand-nephew, state Sen. Ian Conyers of Detroit, it is now Westland Mayor Bill Wild — a white candidate who is mayor of the second-largest city in the district — whose presence looms large over conversations about the campaign among people who spoke to the Free Press.

So does that of former state Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a southwest Detroiter and Muslim of Palestinian heritage known for taking on progressive battles, raising money and campaigning hard. Her background could also motivate blocs of Muslim and Arab-American voters elsewhere in the district south and west of the city.

More: Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib to seek Conyers' seat in Congress

Kinloch said the group has contacted most if not all of the candidates to talk to them without considering who they are or where they are from — but he acknowledged those factors “could definitely play into this for some of the individuals weighing in on this.”

Neither Wild nor Tlaib seem overly concerned: Wild said he found Detroiters receptive to him when he ran unsuccessfully for Wayne County executive in 2014 and that his experience speaks for itself. “We’re all talking the same things,” he said. “Good schools; clean, safe neighborhoods and good jobs and opportunities.”

Tlaib — who left the state Legislature in 2014 because of term limits — suggested forgetting about family names and establishment wishes, saying that winning the primary “is going to depend on who does the strongest grass-roots door-to-door field campaign," not just in Detroit but across the district.

More: Former state Rep. Shanelle Jackson, Westland mayor to run for Conyers' seat

Rochelle Riley: Detroit mayor endorses Brenda Jones to replace John Conyers

“Direct human contact is the center of what I do and what I’m good at,” she said.

But even attempting to settle on a single Detroit candidate may not be easy considering a Democratic field that includes:

  • City Council President Brenda Jones, a proven vote-getter who has been endorsed by Mayor Mike Duggan.
  • State Sen. Coleman Young II, the son of an iconic former mayor who has won elections and is fresh off a race to unseat Duggan which, even in defeat, may have helped him improve his recognition among city voters.
  • Well-known former state Reps. Shanelle Jackson, who now works for the Moroun family that owns the Ambassador Bridge, and Tlaib, both of whom are known for their ability to motivate their bases.
  • Godfrey Dillard, a well-known lawyer and former Michigan secretary of state nominee.

And that list doesn't include a couple of lesser-known newcomers, a few others still considering getting into the race or the fact that John Conyers III and Ian Conyers are headliners in their own right trying to claim the family brand.

The elder Conyers, an iconic civil rights leader, stepped down in December after 53 years in Congress amid claims he sexually harassed and mistreated female staffers — claims he denied. But experts still expect his name to be a factor — and perhaps generate sympathy votes among supporters who believe he was wrongly forced out.

Conyers has endorsed his son, John III, who works for a private hedge fund. But he has limited political experience and his campaign seems to have gotten off to a slow start.

Ian Conyers, meanwhile, mounted a successful state Senate run two years ago, has political experience in Michigan and Washington, D.C., and just this week was holding a fund-raiser in the nation's capital featuring Mayor Muriel Bowser.

"We’re out there, we’re collecting signatures, we’ve been knocking on doors for the last month," said Ian Conyers, whose grandfather was John Conyers Jr.'s brother. He said there are no hard feelings toward his cousin and that the congressman's son shouldn't expect any harsh attacks.

"Everybody has the right to get out there and compete," Ian Conyers said. "The voters are going to be the ones who decide."

John Conyers III did not respond to the Free Press for this article.

Because the 13th District is so heavily weighted Democratic, the result of the Aug. 7 primary —- two primaries really, one to decide the nominee for the next term and another to decide who fills what little will remain of Conyers' unexpired term — will go a long way to determining who wins those races in November. (No Republicans have filed in that party's primary yet, according to the Federal Election Commission.)

But that won't make it easy to game out beforehand, especially since some — or many —- may not even get past the April 24 deadline to turn in 1,000 valid petition signatures supporting their candidacies.

“This race is going to come down to name recognition, institutional support and your ability to raise money,” said Lansing analyst Ed Sarpolus, who worked on Conyers’ 2012 and 2014 campaigns. “The family name alone is not going to get it for you.”

Some of those running clearly have an edge, however.

If there is a front-runner in the district dominated by Detroit (it accounts for more than half of the district) a survey done this month by Public Policy Polling suggests it’s Jones, the City Council president, with the support of about a quarter of those contacted. Young and Wild followed her — though "undecided" led all comers with nearly a third of those surveyed selecting it.

But it's also easy to understand why Jones’ path may not necessarily be clear: Running in a crowded race for a congressional seat is far different than running for City Council, especially when it’s full of others, like Young, who says he is “in to win,” regardless of whether he gets institutional backing, or like Dillard, an ex-diplomat who says he can —and will — raise whatever funds it takes to secure the nomination.

“My goal is to try to raise the bar in the 13th District beyond nepotism and name-recognition,” Dillard said

Jackson is also a proven campaigner who can rattle off facts about the district and has a compelling story about being raised by a single mother. Far from running away from her job working for the Moroun family — which has often been pilloried as being single-minded in its efforts to protect the Ambassador Bridge from competition — she touts her success in helping the bridge company become more community friendly and is likely to be seen as more willing to embrace business partners than some other candidates

But it’s not just candidates with political experience filling the field: Former Democratic staffer Michael Gilmore and Kentiel White, a former Detroit Police community service officer from Southgate, are trying to make their marks as well. Gilmore, who was in the race before Conyers even departed, has been arguing vociferously that hard work will overcome name recognition. He is also suing Gov. Rick Snyder for deciding to leave Conyers’ seat empty until the fall.

White, meanwhile, is trying to build support off a message that people are “tired of politicians and their broken promises.”

Both are long shots in a race this crowded with well-known candidates. But in a campaign that could potentially split in so many directions, who knows what might happen and whether hustle, cash, name recognition or institutional support might carry the day.

"The election will be close and because of the high number of names who are known, I think there is going to be some voter confusion," said former state Rep. Fred Durhal Jr., D-Detroit.

He added, however, that, to his way of thinking, "The Conyers name still carries some weight."

Contact Todd Spangler: 703-854-8947 or tspangler@freepress.com. Follow him on Twitter at @tsspangler.

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