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Prosecutors: Michigan suspect lived with dead girlfriend for months

WARNING, GRAPHIC INFO: A 37-year-old suburban Detroit man allegedly killed his girlfriend, then kept her body in his basement for seven months.
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CLINTON TOWNSHIP, Michigan — A 37-year-old suburban Detroit man who prosecutors say lived with his girlfriend's corpse for more than seven months has been charged in her slaying. 

The Macomb County prosecutor's office said in a news release Thursday that Matthew Lewinski has been jailed on charges including first-degree murder, and disinterment and mutilation of a body. 

The woman’s body was discovered in the Clinton Township home last week. Prosecutors said she was killed there in December and that her body had been moved to the basement. 

They say large portions of flesh appeared to have been removed from her back, but did not elaborate nor describe how she died. Lewinski was arraigned Friday.

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