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Fall in Love With Science: Dissolving Candy Corn

Explore scientific method with this sugar-filled experiment!

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich — Do you have too much leftover candy corn? Well, this experiment will allow young scientists to develop a hypothesis, execute an experiment, and edit their hypothesis as they work to find out which liquids will dissolve the candy corn.

Supplies Needed:

  1. Candy corn 
  2. Clear glasses
  3. Room Temperature Water
  4. Vinegar
  5. Oil
  6. Alcohol 

Experiment Steps:
1. Scientific method, starting by asking a question.

What do you think will happen when you place a piece of candy corn in the different types of liquid?  

2. Background research

What happens to candy when it's in your mouth, on the counter, or gets wet? Use past background information to help you with step three. 

3. Form a hypothesis

An example would be, "If I place the candy corn in the hot water, then the candy corn will melt."

4. Test the experiment 

Place the candy corn in the various liquids and wait for results. 

5. Analyze the data and draw conclusions 

Did the results align with your hypothesis? 

6. Communicate your results 

Your findings are so important regardless of whether or not they support your original hypothesis! 

The scientific method is the way real scientists conduct research! It allows a set approach to experimentation and improves the way in which results are found. This is how scientists and the general public can feel confident that they will stick to the facts and limit any personal influence! 

Last week's science hack with Jacques:

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