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Meet the supporters at Friday's Trump rally in Walker

Supporters started lining up around 5:30 Friday morning for a spot at former President Donald Trump’s rally in Walker.

WALKER, Mich —

Supporters for former President Trump’s campaign stop in Walker Friday had to park at the former Walker Deltaplex, as the event could only be accessed by bus. 

The capacity for the event at Falk Productions was 1,500. The event hit capacity and people started to be turned away at noon. 

13 ON YOUR SIDE spoke to supporters, who hoped the candidate would focus on issues that support Michiganders like abortion, the border and taxes on tips.  

Many supporters said they are concerned with undocumented immigrants coming into the country, specifically from the southern border, and believe a Trump presidency will solve what they believe is an immigration crisis. 

Eric Rothoff, from Muskegon, doesn’t exactly agree with how Trump says things, but agrees with his policy. 

“I here to see Trump. I mean, I support him and want to see the, I was happy with what he did the first time, not always happy with what he says,” Rothoff said. “But hey, we want what, what he does. I don't care who, how he does it.” 

He said Trump knows Michigan is a battleground state, so his visit isn’t a surprise.  

“He's trying to make sure he gets pulled through this time.” 

Scott and Angela Emmons drove to Walker from Allegan. They hoped Trump would speak about immigration, specifically how he was going to help children. 

“Economy, immigration and child children, mostly the children at the border. They're being stolen, they're being taken away, and they're missing, and nobody's doing anything about it, and I blame everybody on that Congress, Republicans, Democrats, and something needs to be done for the children,” they said. 

They said they think Trump’s visit is important, so the state turns red again. The atmosphere at these rallies, they said, is unmatched. 

“That [People’s Convention with Charlie Kirk] was our first time seeing him. Amazing. It is amazing. It's amazing all the people that are here, and everybody's so patriotic, and they're all happy, and they're blinders, and they smile,” they said. 

Carolyn Lund was one of the supporters who didn’t make it to the rally. She wished she was in the room where it happened to see, who she said, will be the next president. 

“More of his policies. I love where he's going with a lot of the stuff. I love how he wants to help Americans save money, and just the ambiance of it all,” Lund said. “You know, being in the atmosphere where everybody is talking about the same thing and the direction they want the country to go, things like that is what I was interested in being a part of.” 

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